We’re letting Matthew at Valhalla Branding take over our blog on this one. He’s our preferred partner for brand consultancy and creation. We’ve got a few preferred partners, if you need some help with other services often related to websites and marketing (like SEO, emails, social ads, and photography, to name a few), then check out our “Who Are Sox” page to find them.
Without further ado, here’s Matt on “how to make your brand land – and avoid some common mistakes”
Your brand should perfectly reflect you and your business. However, unless you go through a proper discovery process, it probably won’t.
At Valhalla, we don’t just want to know what you do and how you do it. We also want to learn about your personality, what you value, and why you do what you do.
We want to discover the is-ness of your business.
Brand? That’s just your logo, right?
In short, no, although your logo is important. After all, it’s at the very centre of your visual branding. However, your visual branding is only part of your overall brand. Your brand is actually, everything that you stand for. It’s the feeling that your customers (and potential customers) get whenever they interact with your business. What they think when they hear your name, visit your website, or even walk past your office. That includes what your business is called, what you tell people you do, and even the way you deliver your product or service. Branding, done well, will play a key role in influencing these thoughts.
Don’t get an STD* – *Straight To Design
The journey to brilliant branding is every bit as important as the destination. Leaping straight into the design stage would mean missing out on the opportunity to view your business through a lens you wouldn’t normally use. It’s a chance to think about your offer differently and describe it (out loud) to somebody else. A robust discovery process will deliver invaluable clarity, sharpen your message and turn your brand into a powerful weapon.
FYI(I) – Forget your initial ideas
Does your business name feature your initials? Or is it a made-up word derived from joining part of your name with part of your business partner’s name? Maybe it’s named after your dog or your first child. If this is the case, you could be missing a huge opportunity to tell customers something important about your business. There was a time when people had to look businesses up in The Yellow Pages (younger readers might need to Google this). Back then, there was an advantage in using initials, but only if they began with A. That meant you would likely get on the first page in your sector. That’s why you used to get companies called things like AAA Taxis. It was literally a race to the top, but now it could send your business sinking to the bottom. Far better to call yourself something memorable.
Solvent abuse – ‘Solutions’ is not the solution
While we’re on the subject of generic names, using up valuable ‘real estate’ in your branding with the word ‘solutions’ is also a mistake. Most businesses exist to solve people’s problems, one way or another, so it’s a bit obvious anyway. It also sounds like vague business speak. Better to be specific and tell your customers what you *actually* do.
Outstanding in your field
So, you’re a builder, and you need a logo. Better have a picture of a house on it, just in case people don’t understand what builder means, right? Wrong! Trust me, they know what it means already. Tell them something else that represents your value. What makes you different? Also, while we’re on the subject of being different, Google ‘Builders logo’ now. If you *don’t* want to stand out from the crowd, go right ahead!
Make it Ace! – Don’t deal yourself a bland hand
So, why should you care about all this? A strong brand translates into value. It can drive new business and even support premium pricing. If your branding is memorable, it increases the chance that customers will think of your business when they are ready to buy. Even if that’s not just yet. By taking a consistent approach, you will develop awareness and create familiarity. Who wouldn’t want that?
If you’d like help discovering your brand, Valhalla can help. And, if you’ve learned about us by reading this blog, you can start with a FREE Fearless Brand Review (Normally £250). Just complete the short form via the link.
About Valhalla Branding – Glorious brand consultancy and creation
Valhalla delivers brands that land with your audience. Offering your business a lot more than pure design, the Valhalla 3D Branding Process embodies three fiercely guarded values: Clarity, Courage and Craftsmanship. When I develop brands, I share your ambition to conquer markets and achieve glorious victory!
Exploring the values of your business together and discovering what makes it formidable. Nobody knows more about your business than you, and I’m a super-listener. I know exactly which questions to ask, and I’ll help you to find the right answers. By the end of this step, you will have thought about your business in new ways and will be able to describe it with clarity.
Transforming what your business stands for into a powerful branding message with a choice of fearlessly creative ideas. My mission is to help you tell the world exactly why it should care about your business. This isn’t something to be shy about. Your customers should notice you, remember you and understand exactly what you can do for them.
Converting your preferred creative route into an arsenal of powerful tools. Sharp enough to get you noticed, and remembered, and to get your customers fully engaged. I’ve worked with words, pictures, colour and typography for over 30 years. When I work on your brand, my approach is the same as if I were working on my brand. And when your business reaches branding Valhalla, it’s a victory we can celebrate together!